Europe’s energy transition is underway. We’re actively shaping it by helping progressively decarbonize the energy system while simultaneously ensuring a reliable energy supply.

UN Goals 7 13 climate action

Strategic plan


  • Contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation while providing a secure supply of steadily cleaner energy; partner with key stakeholders to evolve our businesses and value chains toward net zero


  • Coal exit already by 2029 – 8 years earlier than planned (Disposal of Datteln 4 acc. to conditions from EU COM remedies assumed)
  • By 2030  ≥ 55% carbon reduction for generation (Scope 1 & 2)
  • By 2035 group wide carbon neutrality (Scope 1 & 2)
  • Reduce our indirect (Scope 3) carbon emissions by 35% by 2035 (relative to 2021)
  • By 2040 group-wide carbon neutrality (Referring to greenhouse gas scope 1-3 accounting rules)
  • During 2023-2024, implementation of Leak detection and Repair (LDAR) campaign across Uniper operations to reduce methane emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions

71 %

decrease in direct (Scope 1) carbon emissions at Uniper companies since 2005.

Uniper Group companies in Europe have reduced their direct (Scope 1) carbon emissions by 67.8 million metric tons, or 71% since 2005.


million metric tons of direct (Scope 1) carbon emissions in 2021.

In 2021 Uniper's direct carbon emissions from the combustion of fossil fuels to generate power and heat increased by 19% year-on-year to 50.9 million metric tons. The main reason is that our coal-fired power plants (Ratcliffe, Datteln 4 and Shaturskaya) produced more energy than in 2020.


grams of CO2 per kWh.

In 2021, our carbon intensity remained stable compared to the previous year.


decarbonization projects underway at year-end 2021.

We set a target of conducting, by year-end 2022, at least 20 projects whose main aims include decarbonization. We had 35 under way at year-end 2021, thereby considerably surpassing our target.

Exiting coal swiftly and responsibly

About two thirds of our total electricity and heat output already comes from low-emission hydro, nuclear, and gas. We’re closing coal-fired power plants in Europe and beginning to build wind and solar farms. This will steadily reduce our carbon intensity.

Our coal-fired power plants have good locations and useful infrastructure, such as connections to the high-voltage grid, the rail system, and district-heating networks. We’ve therefore developed masterplans to ensure their viability — and safeguard as many jobs as possible—in a low-carbon world. For example, we’ll convert some to gas and repurpose others for hydrogen production. Scholven , a Uniper coal plant in west-central Germany, is already being converted to gas.

Wind power

Gas: a key bridge technology

Gas fired plant in Öresundsverket, Sweden

Uniper is one of Europe’s leading gas companies and procures gas from different producers – via pipeline and LNG. We supply large parts of German industry as well as cities and communities across Germany and Europe. It is our duty to make our contribution to securing energy supply, especially in such difficult times triggered by the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Due to the existing contracts with Russia or Russian companies, we bear a special responsibility not only for ourselves, but also for large parts of German industry and many people in Germany and across Europe. We’re working hard to maintain existing energy flows while finding ways to make gas supplies for Germany and Europe more diverse in the short, medium, and long term and thus less vulnerable to geopolitical risks.

Hydrogen strategy

We see hydrogen — alongside gas, renewables, and hydroelectricity — as an essential ingredient in tomorrow’s low-emission energy mix. It will be pivotal for decarbonizing major industries, such as steel and chemicals.

Our aim is to help establish Europe’s hydrogen economy. As part of this effort, we intend to make our decommissioned coal-fired power station in Wilhelmshaven a major hydrogen hub. Our estimates indicate that the hub could meet about 15% of Germany’s hydrogen needs by 2030. We’re developing similar hubs in the Netherlands and England. We’re also propelling the development of new hydrogen solutions by working with a variety of partners, such as Germany’s H2 Global Initiative.


of Germany’s hydrogen needs shall be met by our planned hydrogen hub by 2030.
Dr. Andreas Niehoff Head of Sustainability & Systems

Andreas Niehoff

Head of Sustainability & Systems
picture KB

Kathrin Becker

Head of Sustainability Reporting & Stakeholder Engagement
Anne Hem Sustainability Manager

Anne Hem

Senior Sustainability Manager
Oliver Roeder

Oliver Roeder

Head of Sustainability & Financial Media Communication

Our global presence

We continue to strengthen our presence in key markets, develop innovative solutions and acquire companies in prioritized areas. Uniper solutions are sold to over 100 countries and we currently operate in over 40 countries.